PINK Partner Profile – SINTEF

SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest research institutes, with more than 2100 employees offering multidisciplinary expertise within technology, natural sciences and social sciences. SINTEF is an independent foundation providing innovation and value to our customers through development and research assignments for business and the public sector at home and abroad.
PINK Partner Profile – BASF

BASF combinse economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Around 112,000 employees in the BASF Group contribute to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio comprises six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions.
PINK Partner Profile – EMIRI

Created in 2012, EMIRI – the Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative – represents about 60 organizations (industry, research, associations) active in Advanced Materials Technologies for clean and sustainable energy & mobility. The association contributes to industrial leadership of developers, producers and key users of advanced materials by shaping innovation, manufacturing and energy policy framework at European level. …
PINK Partner Profile – Seven Past Nine

The European Union has set ambitious goals in its Green Deal to fight important economical, health and environmental challenges like climate change, global pollution, and overreliance on scarce resources. To achieve these goals, new advanced materials and chemicals have to be introduced in all relevant innovation markets including but not limited to the health, energy, transportation, construction and packaging to replace substances, which are toxic and/or harmful to our environment, …