PINK has kicked off

The new PINK Project – Provision of Integrated Computational Approaches for Addressing New Market Goals for the Introduction of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design Chemicals and Materials, supported by European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) – has started:

Over the next 48 months, PINK will:

  • Develop innovative modelling and simulation approaches addressing industrial SSbD needs;
  • Make the software accessible to SMEs and industry through an open innovation platform;
  • Validate the platform on PINK Developmental Case Studies and Industrial Demonstrators provided by SMEs and large industries;
  • Fully implement open science and FAIR principles contributing to establishing a European chemicals and materials data, modelling and software ecosystem;
  • Strengthen knowledge transfer through collaboration and exploiting synergies; and
  • Boost the innovative capacity of SMEs and industry and make them more, agile to respond to external and internal influences.
Schematic presentation of the PINK R&I Approach of integrating the SSbD Framework into the development cycle of AdMas&Chems.

PINK’s Objectives are pursued by a highly interdisciplinary team of leading research institutes, SMEs, universities and one innovative large industry and one industry association opening access to additional large and small industry partners: Seven Past Nine, AcumenIST, SINTEF, SINTEF Ocean, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, National Technical University of Athens, NovaMechanics Ltd, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), University of Helsinki, Karolinska Institutet, Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, BASF, EMIRI, University of Birmingham, and Empa.

  • 7P9-SI – Seven Past Nine d.o.o. Slovenia
  • 7P9-DE – Seven Past Nine GmbH Germany
  • AIST – AcumenIST SPRL Belgium
  • CNR – Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche Italy
  • NTUA – Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion Greece
  • NovaM – Novamechanics Limited Cyprus
  • LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Luxembourg
  • UH – Helsingin Yliopisto Finland
  • KI – Karolinska Institutet Sweden
  • PLUS – Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg Austria
  • BASF – BASF SE Germany
  • EMIRI – Energy Materials Industrial Research Initative Belgium
  • UoB – University of Birmingham United Kingdom
  • EMPA – Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt Switzerland

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